ElectroBACH: Brandenburg concerts | ARTMIX
Альцеста. Фестиваль digital barocco. Alceste fest, electro bach

ElectroBACH: Brandenburg concerts

Form: Music concert and video performance

Venues and dates: September 21, 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia / October 13, 2018, Hamburg, Germany

Number of guests: 200 people / 100 people


The performance was constructed in the form of a dialogue. Two musicians, two eras, having a “conversation” in front of the audience. The pianist, improviser and conductor Dmitry Shubin was responsible for the musical part. It was a duet with Maria Solovieva, viola. Dmitry already participated in ArtMix projects, and this time presented a new program to the pleasure of Russian and German guests. It is important that 2 concerts were held as part of the “German seasons” and cultural exchange with Germany.

Traditionally, the concert was accompanied by a video projection. Live-generated images by Morgan Korolkov accompanied music. His artwork echoed the musical dialogue. The pieces of Baroque paintings were transmitted through digital noise.